The thrust bearing of the turbine generator set is to bear the axial thrust of the rotor in operation, maintaining the normal axial clearance of the turbine rotor and stationary parts. Thrust bearing block temperature is an important parameter of the thrust bearing operating condition, once caused by the thrust block temperature is ultra-high, Ugandan wear and tear burned, the rotor will not allow the axial displacement, so that the turbine through-flow part of the collision, wear accidents.
Caused by the thrust tile block temperature is super high for the following reasons.

- thrust tile and thrust disk parallelism exceeds the standard bearing and journal yangs are not consistent, resulting in a certain area of the work tile temperature is high, when the front of the journal yangs value is greater than the front of the bearing yangs value more, will cause the thrust work surface tile temperature is higher than the lower half of the tile temperature. Conversely, the lower half of the tile to bear the thrust is greater than the upper half of the tile, and the lower half of the tile temperature is higher than the upper half of the tile temperature.
- rotor manufacturing quality caused by the thrust disc drift value is large resulting in the operation of the thrust tile at the same time the thrust difference is large, high-speed, continuous operation because of each tile on the thrust constantly occurring larger changes, will affect the oil film instability established, then this situation will lead to the working surface of the overall tile temperature is higher.
3.Thrust working surface tile body thickness or tile thickness difference between too large due to the tile itself thickness difference or tile thickness difference between too large, resulting in the operation of the thick tile to bear the thrust is greater than the thin tile to bear the thrust, resulting in part of the thicker tile temperature is higher. - tile grinding problem tile itself grinding is not in place or the overall tile between the grinding is not good, resulting in bad contact between the tile and thrust disc, the overall grinding, to put the tile into place, and subject to a certain axial thrust, the contact surface is the real contact surface.
- thrust gap is not suitable due to measurement reasons or bearing tampering misalignment, thrust gap is not enough, insufficient flow of lubricating oil, oil film formation is not good, tile temperature is high.
- oil film establishment is not normal thrust tile itself swing degree is not enough with the oil ring manufacturing, positioning and other reasons caused by the tile with the rotation of the rotor, oil ring at the shoulder of the convex leaning dead and can not be free to move with, destroy the normal establishment of the oil film. Resulting in the formation of less oil film between the block and the thrust disk or close to the friction of the operating condition, resulting in a higher temperature of the block.
- the axial thrust of the unit increases the scaling of the through-flow part, the steam seal piece falls off and the steam seal gap exceeds the standard; the radial steam seal gap of the through-flow part becomes larger, which will increase the steam pressure difference before and after each stage of the spacer, making the axial thrust increase.
- the axial thrust of the unit increases the scaling of the through-flow part, the steam seal piece falls off and the steam seal gap exceeds the standard; the radial steam seal gap of the through-flow part becomes larger, which will increase the steam pressure difference before and after each stage of the spacer, making the axial thrust increase.
- Insufficient oil supply to the thrust bearing will lead to higher tile temperature, and long-term operation in a state of oil shortage, will also increase tile wear.