387 items! Record number of patents granted in 2022 for Human Capital

Only innovation-driven can lead enterprises to high-quality development. Human Nature's scientific and technological innovation ran "acceleration", and the number of patents granted hit a record high. According to incomplete statistics, in 2022, Renben was granted 387 patents by the State Intellectual Property Office. These patents cover product innovation, process innovation, functional innovation and other multiple levels. Obtaining patent authorisation is both an honour and a responsibility to uphold, reflecting the persistence and love of innovation and the pursuit of product excellence.

Only innovation-driven can lead enterprises to high-quality development. Human Nature’s scientific and technological innovation ran “acceleration”, and the number of patents granted hit a record high. According to incomplete statistics, in 2022, Renben was granted 387 patents by the State Intellectual Property Office. These patents cover product innovation, process innovation, functional innovation and other multiple levels. Obtaining patent authorisation is both an honour and a responsibility to uphold, reflecting the persistence and love of innovation and the pursuit of product excellence.

Innovation is the source of enterprise development. At the beginning of the company, there were few professionals, no core technology and no key technology, so it is easy to understand the difficulties of starting up a business. However, the company set a high starting point and high standard, and developed a strategy to position the quality of products above the national standard of innovation and strengthen the enterprise, and took the “first step” of innovation-led development. Over the past 30 years, the company has completed the development and production of low-noise precision ball bearings and a full range of automotive bearings, breaking the long-term dependence on imports of similar bearings in China, and has grown from a small factory with no reputation to a leading Chinese bearing company and one of the top ten bearings in the world. It has grown from a small and unknown factory to a leading bearing enterprise in China and one of the top ten bearing enterprises in the world.

The original intention remains unchanged, and we will continue to move forward! In recent years, facing the major strategic needs of the country, Renben has spared no effort to build a platform, and has established a national technical centre, a national accredited laboratory (CNAS), etc., which has given wings to the innovative development of the enterprise. Based on the accumulation of technologies such as low noise, high precision, long life and high reliability, Renben has accelerated the research of key core technologies for high-end bearings. Grasp the initiative, seize the high ground of scientific and technological competition and future development, and strive to achieve independent control of key core technologies, the initiative of innovation, the initiative of development firmly in their own hands. Important breakthroughs have been made in the key core technologies of high-end bearings in rail transportation, high-end CNC machine tools, new energy vehicles and intelligent vehicles, high-end medical devices and other fields.

Innovation is a key strategic capability for the lasting development of enterprises. Renben attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights and, based on its innovative achievements, has organically combined the R&D application of technology and patent strategy to form a perfect intellectual property protection system, which has effectively enhanced its market competitiveness. In the future, Renben will further increase its investment in R&D, continue to enhance the ability to create, protect, apply and manage intellectual property rights, better play the role of intellectual property rights in supporting the innovative development of enterprises, provide more new technical support for the field of intelligent manufacturing, and help enterprises develop better and faster.

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